Ritual Union

intuitive herbal formulations

Tag: marshmallow root

Marshmallow Root, Mother of the Waves Star of the Seas


She is motherly and strongly protective. She cares deeply for all her children, cleansing them of sorrow. She does not easily lose her temper but when she does she can become destructive and violent like the Sea in a storm.

Yamaya, the Goddess of the living ocean, is considered to be Mother of All. She is the source of all waters, and “Mother whose children are the fish.” All life is thought to have begun in the sea.

I look to her as I live my dreams to be near the waters.

As I patiently wait for the right time to move towards the ocean I design my life here and now. I work with water to spread nourishment, love, peace, and creativity throughout myself and others. Exploring water as a medium in a place where we are limited, in the city, in the fast paced environment. My dream of now is very close to being real. In the private space of my backyard I will be able to offer moon bathing. A bath tub filled with fresh herbs and flowers, soaking under the moon, waiting to emotionally support all who enter.


In preparation for this experience I have been working with Marshmallow Root, herb of water, herb of moon and Venus together. This was the first plant I ever witnessed an obvious form of miraculous science. She gave up her physical essence quite easily. I burned with her outside on a Monday, under the sun, to the pleasant music of a friend in California. As I watched the flames I saw the creation of small golden mica-like flecks. I almost couldn’t believe it. I looked for an answer, a reason, but gave up my thoughts to mystery. She so easily wants to help. When I reunited all her parts into her perfect form I tasted her for the first time. She is very loving to all parts of the body, and shows to me how to flow despite stagnation or emotional stress. Just GIVE, she says, and RECEIVE. She is tenderness in abundance.


The gold flecks on the white rose above are the crystals the Marshmallow Root Produced when turned to ash. Waters are like crystals. They carry with them a vibrational frequency. So, our thoughts are important, how we direct our energy effects the planet, all water is connected.


See listing of Marhsmallow Root online here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/188167714/alchemy-marshmallow-root-spagyric?

Deep and Wintery Freedom

Winter is a time of yin, darkness, receptivity, going inward. As I am preparing for this late winter in Texas I address my resistance to change. I find myself musing about water and its profound malleable and adaptive movement. It is movement I am most inspired by. The soft movement of water entering dreams, our emotions are flexible, and in this time I am reminded of them as the cold naturally slows me down, slows everyone down, we experience stagnation at times, freezing. I have full ability to soar with colors in these gray days….

I have been inspired to make products which speak to me through contact, as I am a being who enjoys the affection of contact and movement. I have designed this lotion so that it has penetrating abilities to nourish deeply. It has a warm wetness that feels like armor from the cold. It moisturizes and prevents dry skin while comforting our skin – our protective vessel is very important – with hydration and armor. (Click image above to see a link to more information about the Winter Salamander Effect.)

I have added desert chaparral. I harvested it in Chinati Springs, Texas, on a beautiful hike at sunset. Giving thanks to the earth, smelling the rainy-like aroma of chaparral which is so vastly abundant amongst the cacti and sage. It is referred to as the rain plant. It has cell-regenerative properties, is used in cancer research, and appeals to my intuition.  As in winter I tend to get the winter blues, I seek to rise above and be as high and free as I can be. Feeling freedom in every possible form. This is where water, again becomes important to me.

Dance is very important to me, feeling fluid, alive, nourished, cleansed, focused. I touch on these qualities of my life because quality of life is important. This lotion is intended to be up to par with quality of life. No preservatives. Organic. Made with love and healing energies in a sacred and safe space of my home.

Movement is my vessel of communication. Marshmallow root grows in the marshes, it knows wetness and feels movement every moment of its life. This plant speaks to me in the winter time as I try to receive change the way marshmallow root soaks up water so abundantly. Marshmallow root is especially soothing to our body’s mucous membranes. I seek these things which have a soothing effect. As I am a practitioner of yin yoga, I seek deeper understanding through the visceral, intentional, long watery poses. As thoughts and emotions sweep over me, I accept them, and move more deeply into my awareness, places of tension that desire attention, understanding, nurturing, and release. We soothe these parts with our breath, the energy which activates our blood flow to awaken our tissues and dark places, hidden emotions.

I acknowledge every part of living. I want to be like a wriggly and flexible amphibian moving with ease through my mind and this life.