Ritual Union

intuitive herbal formulations

Category: Uncategorized



Springtime in Texas begins. All of us are positioning our eyes, to see through the newness of blossoms and more light. Our excited bodies ready to enter our bathing suits. The yang is returning. The sun and the moon hold each other equally for another equinox. I hold both day and night as well. I hold the conscious and the unconscious together too. As much as I love being out in the sun I love sleeping, and exploring my inner world.

Every day I ask myself if I am dreaming. Every evening I create dream incubation ritual. I practice taking different spagyrics tinctures before entering REM. I anoint the soles of my feet with a dream oil. Mugwort, white roses, mullein, lavender, kyanite, and rose quartz. These herbs and crystals soothe and prepare my senses for what’s coming.  Its a small but important ritual in practicing careful mindfulness. Because I care for myself I want to remember my dreams – to explore the way I feel in them, the textures, the creatures, the lost, the present.

I explore the elements here.

Deep Dream Anointment Oil from Ritual Union

and locally in Austin, TX at Las Cruxes

Anointing and preparing oneself to enter the unconscious for deep dreaming.

Golden Tiger / Armor

Golden Tiger

Armor for growth & positive thinking, to discourage ill will or wishes. Think of Durga riding the tiger, facing the demon and protecting virtue.  The word Durga has been derived from Sanskrit language which means a fort or a place that is difficult to reach. She rises above in power because she steps intimately into the ring of fire and sees eye ball to eye ball with the shadows.

Rose and Lavender Hydrosol Yarrow Flower, Devil’s Club, Angelica Hawthorn Berry & Cinnamon Essence Tiger’s eye, Gold Sheen Obsidian E.O.’s Palo Santo, Ylang Ylang, Neroli

Herbs and crystals are selected to shield negativity, block psychic attacks, electromagentic smog, radiation – to encourage clear and rational thought processes, integration to our higher powers. Through a protective umbrella we cultivate ability to strengthen our own personal awareness of power. Assisting in creative freedom, healing, self worth, & positive attitude.

For fierceness with discernment.

Available from Ritual Union – on FB and Etsy

Shop locally or online in the apothecary section at Las Cruxes Boutique, Austin, TX

Youdha Nature



Connect in the mystery of what we don’t know

clear and sweet


purification taking form



Reconnect with

Our body, our spirit

balance within

progress not perfection

new pathways

new pathways

Sacred Understanding

This helps -> http://shop.lascruxes.com/product/ritual-union-sacred-understanding-tonic


Harmony Heart Health - Holistic thoughts

“The struggle most lovers live through, on some level, is the harmonizing between our soul purpose, i.e. our desire to connect, and our earth purpose., i.e. our need to individuate. Finding a way to integrate the two is the basic challenge of a spiritually mature love.”

“The answer here is to hold form, but to hold it lightly, like a very simple frame around a beautiful picture.”

Deep and Wintery Freedom

Winter is a time of yin, darkness, receptivity, going inward. As I am preparing for this late winter in Texas I address my resistance to change. I find myself musing about water and its profound malleable and adaptive movement. It is movement I am most inspired by. The soft movement of water entering dreams, our emotions are flexible, and in this time I am reminded of them as the cold naturally slows me down, slows everyone down, we experience stagnation at times, freezing. I have full ability to soar with colors in these gray days….

I have been inspired to make products which speak to me through contact, as I am a being who enjoys the affection of contact and movement. I have designed this lotion so that it has penetrating abilities to nourish deeply. It has a warm wetness that feels like armor from the cold. It moisturizes and prevents dry skin while comforting our skin – our protective vessel is very important – with hydration and armor. (Click image above to see a link to more information about the Winter Salamander Effect.)

I have added desert chaparral. I harvested it in Chinati Springs, Texas, on a beautiful hike at sunset. Giving thanks to the earth, smelling the rainy-like aroma of chaparral which is so vastly abundant amongst the cacti and sage. It is referred to as the rain plant. It has cell-regenerative properties, is used in cancer research, and appeals to my intuition.  As in winter I tend to get the winter blues, I seek to rise above and be as high and free as I can be. Feeling freedom in every possible form. This is where water, again becomes important to me.

Dance is very important to me, feeling fluid, alive, nourished, cleansed, focused. I touch on these qualities of my life because quality of life is important. This lotion is intended to be up to par with quality of life. No preservatives. Organic. Made with love and healing energies in a sacred and safe space of my home.

Movement is my vessel of communication. Marshmallow root grows in the marshes, it knows wetness and feels movement every moment of its life. This plant speaks to me in the winter time as I try to receive change the way marshmallow root soaks up water so abundantly. Marshmallow root is especially soothing to our body’s mucous membranes. I seek these things which have a soothing effect. As I am a practitioner of yin yoga, I seek deeper understanding through the visceral, intentional, long watery poses. As thoughts and emotions sweep over me, I accept them, and move more deeply into my awareness, places of tension that desire attention, understanding, nurturing, and release. We soothe these parts with our breath, the energy which activates our blood flow to awaken our tissues and dark places, hidden emotions.

I acknowledge every part of living. I want to be like a wriggly and flexible amphibian moving with ease through my mind and this life.

Take back the soul this Full Moon

My ritual for this full moon gravitates towards taking back my soul, specifically in my dreams. For years my dreams have involved mostly strangers and being amongst them like bobbing souls in the sea, without bodies to tether us to land or destination. I desire at this time, only to dream of a few people I am close to and to very intentionally work on healing with these people. This is my manifestation tonight and the following days.

Because of this I will make a special formula – to cure these dreams and create ceremony, to initiate these actions in waking life.

Women in the Sky

Let’s be for each other. We are all a part together.